Self Defense
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has been proven to be one of the most effective martial arts on the planet.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an amazing full-body workout. The warm-up, the drills, and the rolling will literally leave you crawling off the mats at the end of class. Jiu Jitsu is engaging, fun, and captivating and you can get in getting shape all while learning a potentially life-saving skill.
Jiu Jitsu takes time and is hard, no other way to put it. Work hard, focus on getting a little bit better each day, and mastering Jiu Jitsu will come in time. The ability to do Jiu-Jitsu is the ability to be patient.
Being Apart of Our Community
- Inspiration and motivation
In strong communities, there is always someone doing something amazing, which can have the effect of inspiring you to go harder and achieve bigger goals. At Gracie Owensboro, we are always open to questions and want to help you in any way we can. We have a great group of people that trains here that has the knowledge to help you grow and we want you to learn every time you come in. We are social animals, we all love training, hanging out, and having fun.
Escaping the Real World
Not a lot of explaining to this one needs to be done. I bet the 200 lbs. partner smashing that crap out of you will quickly make you forget everything else you were stressing about before you started training.
Self Esteem
With perseverance, dedication, and focus you’ll be able to overcome the challenges of learning Jiu Jitsu. You’ll feel empowered and soon you’ll feel in control of your thoughts and actions. Learning Jiu Jitsu is learning how to overcome challenges. Overcoming challenges is the mortar for building your self-esteem.
Problem Solving
You need to intelligent access the situation. You need to constantly re-evaluate your efforts. You need to think with a clear head during real-time struggles. Jiu Jitsu teaches you a process to solve problems. And BJJ teaches you that there’s an intelligent solution for every problem even if the solution is tapping out.
There’s always someone smarter, better, faster, and younger. Know yourself and your limitations. There’s always more to learn no matter if you have 20 years in or just 2 days, We all can learn something from someone.
Studying and training BJJ will keep your brain quick, agile, and young. As well, learning is invigorating and confidence-building.
Dealing with Failure
The more you fail, the more you learn, and the more you learn the more you succeed.